There might be specific factual information that you need to find out, an opinion from experienced engineers, or advice or a suggestion. We aim to make the service both helpful and human. While we always give priority to enquiries from members, we’ll try to give you a full an answer as possible, whatever your query.

Each enquiry will be owned and managed by a member of the EEMUA team, meaning that you’ll have a real point of contact and can be assured of getting an answer within a reasonable timeframe.

We hope that you’ll find this service especially useful if you work for a member company whose location or resource limitations mean that it is difficult to be fully represented at EEMUA technical meetings.  Also, even if your company is able to engage fully in our work, the service allows you to access EEMUA’s collective expertise at any time, not just during formal meetings.

You can access the service by filling in the online form, or emailing