Breakout Session F2: Ian Parke

Organisation: N/A

Job Title:

Session Title: Structural Integrity Management - The importance of effective maintenance of civil infrastructure

Date & Time: 27 March 2025 @ 13:00

Bio: Ian Parke B.Sc., C.Eng., FICE, M.ASCE

Ian has over 40 years’ experience in managing infrastructure.  Recently retired from EDF Energy where he was responsible for the active management of infrastructure assets at West Burton and Cottam Power Stations during their last ten years of operation.

He has managed a diverse portfolio of infrastructure assets including energy, renewable, storage tanks and steel fabrication.

He is a contributor to the EEMUA ‘Guide to Civil & Structural Building Asset Management’ Publication 238 and co-author of ‘Above Ground Flat Bottomed Storage Tanks’ EEMUA Publication 159 ,5th Edition.

He is a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers and a Policy Fellow.  He is sometimes invited to speak to the media on the management of energy infrastructure; and as a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Engineers he is invited to attend briefings of the Parliamentary & Scientific Committee.

He is the current UK Group President of the American Society of Civil Engineers.

Presentation Summary:

The demands which are placed on infrastructure are often overlooked or taken for granted by some operators.  The more enlightened operators though, recognise that active surveillance and management is essential if the asset is to continue to perform.

The operational life of most industrial infrastructure can be measured in decades, however, during that time the asset will not only be subject to operational and environmental loads, but modifications may also be required as the plant is subject to change to meet current and future operational needs.

Effective management of civil and structural infrastructure is an essential component of a successful operational plant.  This requires an active programme of maintenance and possible renewal.  There are many issues that will need to be addressed such as funding, environmental impact and the co-operation of the plant operators, which from experience can be quite challenging.