Conference Programme

The full conference programme will be published in the coming weeks.

 Please be assured that the 2025 agenda will once again bring you in-depth content and relevant topics supported by meaningful business advice. The conference theme of “Managing Engineering Excellence: Safety and Integrity Challenges since 1950” will be fully explored by a roster of industry experts.           

Delegates can look forward to a series of thought-provoking papers focused on a diverse range of issues such as:

  • Machine learning and AI in NDT
  • Human Factors and Safety Management Systems
  • Behaviours that deliver process safety leadership
  • Alarm Management

The programme will also provide ample opportunity to participate in lively debate in the form of interactive workshops, which will be centred on a choice of three conference streams:

  • Leadership
  • Mechanical, Pressure and Structures
  • Electrical, Instrumentation and Control

Day One - Wednesday 26 March 2025

Time Description Location
09:00 - 11:00

Registration, Professional Networking, Exhibition

  Opportunity to visit the exhibitor stands and catch up on what’s happening in your industry  
11:00 - 11:10


11:10 - 12:00 Plenary 1: Challenges with the Energy Transition and Growing Use of the Distribution Network            
12:00 - 12:50 Breakout sessions - A

(A1) The Regulator's expectations of Leaders of High Hazard Installations 


(A2) Management of defined life Repairs: A lifecycle guide 


(A3) Ageing Plant - Safety critical elements and life extension 

13:00 - 14:00


14:00 - 14:50

Breakout sessions - B


(B1) Polar Opposite Workstyles and how to accommodate them 


(B2) Factors to consider when managing the mechanical integrity of dead legs on industrial facilities

  (B3) The role of machine learning and AI in Non-Destructive Testing
15:00 -15:50

Breakout sessions - C


(C1) Preparing leaders for the energy transition: Adjusting to challenges


(C2) Bolted Joints - current best practice 


(C3) Alarm Management - EEMUA 191

15:50 - 16:10

Break & Networking

16:10 - 17:00 Plenary 2: Internal culture and the effect on work and wellbeing: The connection between them
17:00 - 18:00

Mezzo plenary


  Professional Networking and visiting exhibitor stands  
18:30 - 19:00

EEMUA Council Reception

19:00 - 19:30

Event Reception

19:30 - 21:30

Dinner & Networking

21:30 - 22:00


22:00 - 24:00 Drinks at the bar

Day Two - Thursday 27 March 2025

Time Description Location
09:00 - 09:50 Plenary 3: Action beyond compliance: A survivor of the 1988 Piper Alpha disaster   
09:50 - 10:10


10:10 - 11:00

Breakout sessions - D


(D1) Human Factors: Improving reliability through safety management system 


(D2) Hazardous area inspections: Creeping Change/Issues with Mothballing


(D3) Battery Energy Storage Systems

11:10 - 12:00 Breakout sessions - E

(E1) Management of change and project governance


(E2) Ageing Plant - Integrity Management and life extension 


(E3) Electrical Distribution & Electrical Infrastructure - Introduction 

12:00 - 13:00


13:00 - 13:50

Breakout sessions - F


(F1) Behaviours that deliver the Principles of Process Safety Leadership


(F2) Structural Integrity Management - The importance of effective maintenance of civil infrastructure


(F3) Hydrogen safety 

14:00 - 14:50 Plenary 4: The Impact of AI on industry – have you asked your computer yet? 
14:50 - 15:00

Staying connected and updated on EEMUA.

15:00 - 15:15
