A wide selection of training and competency schemes
Discussions and work carried out in EEMUA Technical Committees over the years have resulted in the development of the following training and competency schemes for industry:
- Mechanical Integrity - EEMUA 231 Mechanical Integrity Basics, Mechanical Integrity Practitioner Certificate and Asset Integrity Leadership Certificate.
- Storage Tanks - EEMUA 159 TankBasics, TankInspector, TankAssessor and Tank Integrity Manager.
- Subsea Engineering - EEMUA 194 Subsea Engineering Basics
Our training courses are designed to empower you with practical knowledge and hands-on experience, ensuring you're equipped to excel in your field.
All of EEMUA’s training and competency courses can be delivered in-house.
EEMUA publications are often the starting point for new courses. The publications are developed to fulfil a need for guidance in a particular area of engineering practice or as a result of regulatory expectations. EEMUA's publications help to define or clarify what is good practice.
Awareness level e-learning courses and webinars (both live and on-demand) cover a wide range of engineering and process safety topics. They are available free-of-charge for EEMUA corporate members.
Mechanical Integrity Practitioner Certificate (MIPC®) is a blended learning training course. The flexible online learning delivery and assessment, and robust certification means that Learners do not have to be away from site for long periods in order to obtain relevant, industry accepted competence in a safety critical area, with appropriate evidence for stakeholders. If you have any queries on this new course, please contact EEMUA at online-learning@eemua.org
EEMUA also supports other training schemes where appropriate, such as the PACT modular training in Process Automation, and the UK PA7 apprenticeship in process automation.
EEMUA training courses can form part of your Continuing Professional Development (CPD). For further details, please check with your HR/Learning Department and relevant professional institution.
From January 2020 EEMUA will be launching electronic certificates, please refer to our FAQ's or contact our team if you have queries regarding this.
Contact events@eemua.org or call +44(0) 207 488 0801 to discuss your requirement.
If you have an online learning need that is not immediately provided by EEMUA but is in the industrial engineering area, please contact online-learning@eemua.org with your query in the first instance.